Hingley Construction & Renovation

Living Areas - Hingley Construction & Renovation

Living Areas

Living Areas

Living rooms are where families comes together. From your kids taking their first steps, to a family movie night, living rooms are centered around family. Transforming these areas can be a positive impact on the household. Making them larger, opening it up to the kitchen, showing off a view – to replacing a fireplace or changing the flooring, all are great ways to renovate ones living room area.  

What We Do



Quality kitchen renovations in Kelowna & The Okanagan. With a friendly, skilled team, we are able to offer kitchen solutions that meet your budget and surpass your expectations. 


Regardless of your style or aesthetic, we can finish your bathroom however you’d like, from contemporary to classic and everything in between.


At Hingley Construction we can revitalize your exterior. We provide new exterior siding, gutters, paint, decks, fencing, and more.


Proud to offer Canadian made and manufactured cabinetry. We have access to a wide variety of colours, designs and sizes to create a custom look just for you.

Income Suits

Transforming a basement into an apartment with an independent entrance is, in fact, one of the most popular basement conversions that we are asked to undertake.

Living Areas

Making them larger, opening it up to the kitchen, showing off a view – to replacing a fireplace or changing the flooring, all are great ways to renovate ones living room area.

What We Do



Quality kitchen renovations in Kelowna & The Okanagan. With a friendly, skilled team, we are able to offer kitchen solutions that meet your budget and surpass your expectations. 


Regardless of your style or aesthetic, we can finish your bathroom however you’d like, from contemporary to classic and everything in between.


At Hingley Construction we can revitalize your exterior. We provide new exterior siding, gutters, paint, decks, fencing, and more.


Proud to offer Canadian made and manufactured cabinetry. We have access to a wide variety of colours, designs and sizes to create a custom look just for you.

Income Suits

Transforming a basement into an apartment with an independent entrance is, in fact, one of the most popular basement conversions that we are asked to undertake.

Living Areas

Making them larger, opening it up to the kitchen, showing off a view – to replacing a fireplace or changing the flooring, all are great ways to renovate ones living room area.

Need Help?


Hingley Construction provides a wide range of living area renovation services, including but not limited to family room makeovers, living room updates, custom built-ins, and fireplace enhancements. Whether you’re seeking a cozy and traditional space or a modern and open concept, our team has the expertise to transform your living area to suit your lifestyle.

Absolutely! Hingley Construction stays current with the latest smart home technologies and can integrate features into your living area renovation. This may include smart lighting, automated window treatments, and integrated audio-visual systems, allowing you to control and customize your living space for comfort and convenience.

  1. Hingley Construction provides guidance on selecting materials and finishes that align with your style preferences, durability requirements, and budget. Whether you prefer the timeless appeal of hardwood floors, the modern look of concrete, or the comfort of plush carpeting, our team ensures that the chosen materials enhance the overall aesthetic and functionality of your living area.

If you have specific questions about renovating your living area or would like to discuss design options, please contact Hingley Construction. We are committed to creating living spaces that reflect your unique taste and provide both comfort and functionality.